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Editorial Policy

Scope of Report
Items Reported

The IINO Group systematically reports on its initiatives and performance in the areas of safety, the environment, human resources, human rights, and other social aspects. Other details including management and government aspects, corporate philosophy, and the code of conduct are also reported through the Company website and Integrated Report 2023.

Reporting Period

FY2022, i.e., the fiscal year from April 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023 (IINO LINES' 132nd fiscal term). Information corresponding to dates falling after the reporting period is also included as necessary.

Organizational Scope

The report covers the entire IINO Group (83 companies).
As of the end of March 2023

IINO LINES, IMS and IBT obtained ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.
Guidelines Referenced