Shipping Business

Worldwide shipping networks are the arteries of industry and modern life.
IINO LINES' transportation systems are safe and reliable, and are backed by an unparalleled track record established over more than a century in maritime transportation. We provide efficient transportation across a truly global network, enabling the long-term, stable supply of a diverse variety of cargo.

Oil Tankers

We work toward safe, reliable transportation to ensure a stable supply of crude oil.

Chemical Tankers

We combine world-class infrastructure with advanced systems to meet growing demand for chemical product transportation.

Large Gas Carriers

We transport a diverse range of raw materials and energy resources including LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas).

Medium and Small Gas Carriers

With our main bases in Tokyo and Singapore, we transport a diverse range of cargoes, including LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), VCM (vinyl chloride monomer), propylene, and LNG (liquefied natural gas).

Domestic Gas Carriers

We transport a wide variety of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), petrochemical gases, and other products for domestic transportation in Japan and for oceangoing transportation in the coastal waters.

Dry Bulk Carriers

We advance industry and modern life through reliable transportation of raw materials and energy resources.

Fleet List

The IINO Group fleet includes oil tankers, chemical tankers, LNG carriers, LPG carriers, and dry bulk carriers.
*Figures may differ from the totals on the details list due to tabulation methods for ownership partners’ shares and other factors.

(As of March 31, 2024) No. Dead-weight tonnage
Oil Tankers 4 1,237,352
Chemical Tankers 36 1,242,221
Large Gas Carriers 9 478,536
Small Gas Carriers 25 65,047
Dry Bulk Carriers 22 1,220,165
Total 96 4,243,321